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Prosperous Nepal

Prosperous Nepal

October 21, 2008

Animal Sacrifice for the religious purpose

17th of October 2008
Animal Sacrifice for the religious purpose

The topic didn’t seem to produce a nice discussion. Not many people were present in the discussion. However we couldn’t leave the opportunity we had for a good chit-chat. Discussion started as it used to be in days before. With a round of introduction, the host of the discussion started with a question that is the animal sacrifice for religious purpose good or bad. Mixed voice started to come onto the scene. What the supporter had to say was animal sacrifice has already become the integrated part of our customs. Leaving it would be to let go of our beauty in our tradition because it is what we are known for. Whereas the ones who opposed stated that neither the god has asked humans to slaughter animals for their sake nor is it right to do so. It’s not only the right of human that we always advocate for, but we also need to look after the poor animals who cannot express themselves. Opposing participants seemed to agree on a fact that animal sacrifice has already been part of a system and cutting it from the system would be fatal if done hurriedly. There a scene to watch some two weeks before when jubilant Newar group thrashed Basantapur when finance minister announced to cut the aid that was used to be given for animal sacrifice for the same reason above. Supporter also felt that even though it is bad to sacrifice animal reducing the frequency would be better than just to wipe it out.
Hence it seemed there was a consensus that even though animal sacrifice is bad we cannot simply let it go as it is deep rooted to our system.

The host threw another question that what could be done to make everyone happy in the present context. All the participants felt that open slaughtering at the premise of religious sites not only fill horror into the worshippers mind but as well pollute the sites to greater extent. So a proper mechanism should be built. The mechanism should consist of constructing slaughter chamber on the religious site where animal sacrifice is performed; managing proper supply of water to keep the site clean. As there are vegetarian worshippers as well who come for their prayer, the slaughter house would be in function secretly with a good drainage system.

With this the discussion came to an end producing a gist that animal sacrifice has become an integrated part of our system and to make it acceptable to each and everyone of the society a secret slaughter house with a proper drainage systems must be constructed.

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